Fast Start Bonus.
Fast Start, Eagle Bonus and Group Bonuses (overrides on your downline).
Fast Start, Eagle, Group and Bronze Bonus.
Fast Start Bonus, Eagle Bonus, Group Bonus, Bronze Bonus and Silver Bonus.
Fast Start Bonus, Eagle Bonus, Group Bonus, Bronze Bonus, Silver Bonus and Gold Bonus
Fast Start Bonus, Eagle Bonus, Group Bonus, Bronze Bonus, Silver Bonus, Gold Bonus and Platinum Bonus. Note: Point Values for the Various Services, are ABOVE the respective banner for the Service or Quote.
No Company makes it easier to make money. And you NEVER have to spend a dime! As we all know ASN gives you many avenues to profit. The first and simplest step is to simply take advantage of many free services and quotes. The links that you will see below, direct you to a page that specifically provides some of these essential services that are, not only, FREE, but save you money. They have no cost whatsoever, and by taking advantage of these FREE offers, you immediately acquire points that earn Income and give you huge savings. For example...
And Remember! The more points you earn (even from FREE SERVICES)... the more money you Make!
The system is so simple, that if you choose, in the next 10 minutes you can earn the Fast Start, Eagle Bonus, and Group Bonuses, ...if you want to spend a few extra minutes, you can earn additional Bonuses. and, remember, it won't cost you a dime!
Click Here to Claim Your Check! Always remember to Register your Point Accumulating Activity. And get your free Gas, Groceries, and Vacation
The above information is intended to give you a quick synopsis of just how quickly you can earn with JUST THIS ONE ASPECT of the ASN Business System. Namely, the Infinity Bonuses.
The truth is, we give you SCORES of additional ways to earn money; and they are all free!
No Company Gives You More Ways to Save and Earn.
You earn on everything from Real Estate Services, Home Loans, Bankruptcy, Mortgage Negotiation, Credit Repair, Merchandising, Fund Raising, Health Products, Vacations, Taxes, etc... Absolutely no company gives you more ways to earn.
The ASN system provides you with a comprehensive multi faceted business system which by definition, contains many aspects and quite frankly, unless you are closely related to Einstein, it can't be completely understood in one day. But don't let this hold you back...
Success in any worthwhile endeavor is always achieved step by step. ASN is no different.
We suggest that for today, you first "Claim Your Check", (and your Free Gas, Groceries, and Vacation Certificate-- see below), then complete the first few steps of your "Fast Start Guide". Doing so will give you a lightening fast start that will guarantee the continued growth and success of your ASN business.
As stated above, we provide you with multiple income streams.
For a quick overview of additional aspects of Your Profit Systems i.e. (Commissions, Group Overrides, etc...) please see the article at the end of this page.
Take advantage of ANY of the FREE services and offers mentioned below and you just earned a check!
Brand New! On ALL orders or Free Quotes or Services you will now receive... $300 in Gas Rebates, plus, $300 in Grocery Rebates, Plus, their choice of any of numerous Free Vacation Certificates, including Hawaii, Jamaica, Mexico, 7 Day Cruises, etc... Click Here to See Details of Free Gas, Groceries, and Vacation Offer. |
Examples of Free Services and Quotes...
4 points
Insurance--You already have insurance, the only question is are you getting the very best deal? I thought I was until I got a free quote.
Simply get an insurance quote-- you will almost certainly save money... and you just earned the Quick Start Bonus.
Universally Needed Services #1 Universally Needed Services #2 ASN Favorite Companies Money Earners for NON-US Members
Always remember to Register your Point Accumulating Activity.
8 points
Free Credit Report-- In today's day and age, credit issues are rampant. Whether the issues were caused by identity theft or caused by life, everyone needs to know what there credit is.
Get a Free Credit Report, you earn 8 points.
So, by simply saving money with insurance quotes by seeing just how much you can save on your insurance bill, and learning FOR FREE what credit issues might be impacting your finances,
You earn 15 points which qualifies you for the Quick Start Bonus AND the Eagle Bonus.
Universally Needed Services #1 Universally Needed Services #2 ASN Favorite Companies Money Earners for NON-US Members
Always remember to Register your Point Accumulating Activity.
5 points
Free Credit Report AND Credit Repair Manuals-- In today's day and age, credit issues are rampant. Whether the issues were caused by identity theft or caused by life, everyone needs to know what there credit is, and how to fix any issues that arise.
We provide a FREE Credit Repair Kit, (the most comprehensive available, at any price), along with your Free Credit Report.
You get the Free Credit Report and Repair Kit for just registering for a free trial subscription to a Credit Monitoring Service. Cancel it, and the report and manuals are free to keep. But whether you keep the monitoring, or not, (if you have credit issues the monitoring will be helpful)... So, by simply seeing just how much you can save on your insurance bill, and learning FOR FREE how get and keep pristine credit...
You earn 12 points which qualifies you for the Quick Start Bonus AND the Eagle Bonus.
Universally Needed Services #1 Universally Needed Services #2 ASN Favorite Companies Money Earners for NON-US Members
Always remember to Register your Point Accumulating Activity.
7 points
Wholesale Cars-- With today's economy, you can pick up the Best Cars at incredibly low prices.
Get your Free Trial Subscription to the site that guarantees to find the best auto prices both New and Used for unbelievably low prices. By just seeing how much money you can save, you've earned a check!
Universally Needed Services #1 Universally Needed Services #2 ASN Favorite Companies Money Earners for NON-US Members
Always remember to Register your Point Accumulating Activity.
6 points
Short Term Loans (with no Credit Check)--The combination of Christmas being on the way plus, the state of the economy, has created a real need for short term loans. The companies on link below, are guaranteed to provide these loans, regardless of credit-- actually they don't even check your credit.
By just completing the short application, you've earned, at least, the Quick Start Bonus.
Universally Needed Services #1 Universally Needed Services #2 ASN Favorite Companies Money Earners for NON-US Members
Always remember to Register your Point Accumulating Activity.
4 points
Real Estate-- There has never been a time that had more opportunities for great investments in the Real Estate Market. Realty Trac, provides current lists of virtually every foreclosed property and pre-foreclosure in the Nation. By just signing up for the free trial subscription for access to these lists, you've earned, at least, the Quick Start Bonus.
Universally Needed Services #1 Universally Needed Services #2 ASN Favorite Companies Money Earners for NON-US Members
Always remember to Register your Point Accumulating Activity.
The The Infinity Fund Bonus System is so simple that, right now, even before your site has made a sale, a purchase, given away a website, created a downline, or done any FREE marketing of your business, at all... by just taking advantage of a few of the above free services, you can accumulate over 25 points and Qualify for the Quick Start, Eagle, and Bronze Bonus!... and remember, this is before you've even thought about promoting your business in order to earn commissions or Group Overrides from your site, or even taken the first step towards building a downline! There really is no easier, quicker way to earn money.
And Remember, you can apply for 1 or All... the more free services you take advantage of, THE MORE YOU EARN!
These were just a few of the literally hundreds of Great Companies, Products and Services from which you make money. Explore your site and discover the amazing diversity that you have available.
More Money Making ASN Programs
Huge Potential With This Fund Raising Program.
8-25 points.
Unique Gifts- There is obviously, a huge year round need for creative, unique gifts. Valentine's day, Mother's day, Father's day, Birthday's, Anniversaries, Christmas, etc... Your ASN site provides a huge array of gifts and specialty items. Just take a look at your site, see the quality and the great selection...
If you were to make a purchase of gift items totaling, just $50, you would have earned 16 points qualifying you for the Quick Start Bonus, Eagle Bonus, and a 20% commission on your own purchase!
If you haven't done so yet, see how you can earn Thousands by helping Charities. Go to...
http://allsolutionsnetwork.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi/1000/ASN_Fund_Raising_Assistance.htm Just Replace 1000 with your ASN ID
THIS HAS HUGE POTENTIAL-- Following is a letter from a new member, and how they are going to use this program and my responses in yellow...
I like the idea of helping organizations. I am planning on eventually forming a non-profit to help those in need so ASN would be something that I could use.
What I love about the program is that is something that these organizations need. You help them and it helps you!
I can email my website URL to my church but I don't know if they would be interested. Do you have any idea what I could tell them about it so that maybe they would be interested in it???
Not all will be interested, but this like everything else is a numbers game. Just send out enough emails to various churches and other fund raising organizations and many will be very happy to participate. I would email something like,
Subject Line—I’d like to help you with your fund raising efforts.
I’d like to introduce you to a program that was developed to help Charitable groups continue, and even expand their fine works. If increasing your organization’s revenues would be helpful, please click on the link below. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call at *** *** ****.
Your Name
How to find churches that might need your help--
I just went to google.com and typed in “churches in sacramento” scores of them came up. You can do the same for your area, or all over the nation. Just find a contact within the churches website… I would send one to the main email contact and one to the pastor. Then just see what happens.
If they could get the people in their church involved in this especially around Christmas they could really bring in some money for their church and also it would help me as well.
Yes it would… I can tell you are a true entrepreneur at heart!
Remember, the churches earn 20% of every purchase made- no need for cookie sales, no danger in having kids go our at night trying to sell to the public. With this system... The fund raiser sends an email to their organization and they're done. We fill, track, and deliver all orders right to the door step of the members-- and then send the fund raising organization their check. It couldn't be easier.
What do you, as an ASN member earn-- for just introducing them, you earn 10% of the CBV that is generated by that organization. And if the fundraiser decides to introduce it to other organizations-- they earn 10% of their CBV and you earn 5% of their CBV! All for sending an email trying to help a charity!
Remember always forward your confirmation of service or quote to
Bruce at allsolutionsnetwork.com with ASN ID & point value in subject line. i.e. ASN CC1231 4
Ultimately, the resource center will tell you EVERYTHING about this business. But please, for your sake, don't wait until you know everything before you do anything. Claim YOUR check right now! THEN go to the Fast Start Guide, complete just a few steps... THEN... start studying the entire system.
Your business is analogous to driving. Most people drive a car long before they ever learn to BUILD a car or even know why it runs. They just know that it does. I'm not saying that it's not important to understand the system. But I want to make it clear that it's more important that you earn a check today, than it is to know exactly why and how you get paid-- but end up waiting a month to earn it.
In my opinion... earn your check, THEN learn all the reasons that you got it! Go here and Claim Your Check
Using the car analogy... just as most people don’t fully understand the physics of driving… the workings of the transmission, the torque ratios, conversion of heat to energy, or how the forces of angular momentum and centrifugal and centripetal forces work to allow the auto to turn corners;
Most of us just know that if we punch the gas and turn the wheel, we get where we want to go. This business is similar. Follow the Fast Start Guide, and whether or not you totally understand why it' works-- Just make sure to punch the gas… you’ll get where you are going.
Following is a general synopsis of how the system works. It's not everything, but should give you a broad overview of how and why this works.
The Basics of How You Make Money
The Solutions Network provides more ways to make money than any other business of which I'm aware. There are other Sections in the resource center that will go into great detail regarding the specifics of the many programs, amounts of commission per sale and details of how you earn even from products or services that you just give away. But for now, to make it simple, following are the basic principles of how you you make money.
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Build an organization, (downline) of members from whom you earn overrides on each and every purchase and sale made by everyone in your organization through a full 10 levels. How do you build an organization? JUST GIVE AWAY FREE WEBSITES. As many as you can. Your Fast Start Guide shows you how! |
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Commissions, You earn varying amounts of commissions for each product or service you sell or purchase from your website. Anywhere from making $2 for giving away a FREE CREDIT REPAIR KIT... to $1,500 or so for a home loan. You even make money on many of the absolutely free services that are provided. So, use the many free advertising sites that we provide for you to promote your site and it's many services. |
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Infinity Fund Bonuses, through our unique Infinity Fund system you actually earn money from every purchase and sale that is made... not just from YOUR site, or the sites of your downline, but from every purchase and sale of every site in the entire ASN organization-- of over 100,000 sites. This system makes it so simple, that you can actually earn your first check even before you've created ANY downline, Made ANY sales, or even made any purchases. See Guaranteed Check. And if you haven't done so, yet.. Go Go Here to Claim Your Check |
For a Quick synopsis of Products, Services, Commissions and Sample Ads please see Your Personal Marketing Site.
http://www.allsolutionsnetwork.com/cgi-bin/d.cgi/CC1231/Marketing_Basics.htm replace CC1231 with YOUR personal ASN ID
The Infinity Fund Basics
For complete details of how, and how much the various bonuses are worth, please see "The System" and "How Much You Earn". But for the purposes of basic understanding suffice it to say that all products, services and even most free quotes earn money that is placed into the Infinity Fund for payment to members. Each Bonus Level contains a pool of money that is divided each month amongst each member that qualified for that particular fund. For example, if a fund had $100 in it, and 5 people qualified, each would earn $20--- if only 2 people qualified, each would earn $50.
The amounts in each fund and the payouts vary from month to month to month, depending on the amount of business generated and the number of people qualifying per fund. But for a quick example... in our first month of operation the Quick Start Bonus earned $42.61 per member and the Eagle Bonus earned $52.45 per member.
The Following Chart Shows the Point Requirements per Each Infinity Bonus.
4 Points | Quick Start Bonus |
15 Points | Eagle Bonus |
24 Points | Bronze Bonus |
50 Points | Silver Bonus |
75 Points | Gold Bonus |
100 Points | Platinum Bonus |
The The Infinity Fund Bonus System is so simple that, right now, even before your site has made a sale, a purchase, given away a website, created a downline, or done any FREE marketing of your business, at all... by just taking advantage of a few of the above free services, you can accumulate over 25 points and Qualify for the Quick Start, Eagle, and Bronze Bonus!... and remember, this is before you've even thought about promoting your business in order to earn commissions from your site, or even taken one step towards building a downline! There really is no easier, quicker way to earn money.
Think about it… Your website is the equivalent of the world’s largest Super Store. Every item of merchandise or product or service imaginable is available. But YOU have no overhead. No office expense, no employees, no merchandise to stock, no selling or training to do. Every aspect of your business is taken care of by us.
Your success requires nothing more than that you refer people to your website, promote your services (FOR FREE-- See fast start guide), and shop from yourself. Just let people know that your “store” is up and operational!
NOTE: For of simplicity and clarification, for the balance of this message we're going to refer to your free website and those sites you give away as your "stores".
The world’s largest retailer is Wal-Mart. (also, one of your corporate partners) If you’ve ever been in one you’ll remember that they offer everything and do an enormous amount of business. It is not unusual for one store to do upwards of $1,000,000 of business in ONE DAY! That's even in spite of the fact that they are limited to their geographic location.
When Wal-Mart wants to expand and increase earnings, what do they do? They open another store! They spend millions on the land, buildings, permits, hiring, etc… then a year or two after the decision is made—they have a new store and they are ready to make even more money from the sales of that new store.
If YOU want to increase earnings and expand your business, do what Wal-Mart does… OPEN A NEW "STORE"
But in your case, opening a new store simply means giving away a free website! No need to invest or buy land or buildings, merchandise or hire employees. Just give away a free website. It’s the equivalent of opening a store from which you get a percentage of all the business it generates.
But it doesn’t cost you anything to open it-- and it never costs you anything to operate it!
So now you've opened a new store. What happens when this “new store”, decides to expand and open 5 or 10 stores (websites) of their own? You receive a percentage of every bit of business generated by each of those new “stores”.
When each of those 5 decide to expand and open 5 each, that’s an additional 25 websites from which you earn a percentage of all business generated. And Remember-- Your Group Volume Bonuses pay you through a full 10 Levels of “stores”.
Through the incredible power of Network Leveraging, you can soon have hundreds, if not thousands of "stores" in your organization. (Many of our members already have in excess of 1,000 stores). And you earn a percentage of every bit of business generated by each and every one of them. What's more, it NEVER costs you a dime to build or operate your business.
The income that can be earned from this system is amazing. Realize, if your were to give away 2 stores, that gave away 2, that gave away 2, etc... through 10 levels, with each store generating only $40 in business volume per month-- you would earn in excess of $7,500 per month!
One of the great things about our system is that the Infinity Fund, combined with the Group Bonus system is, not only, incredibly easy to earn a check, but... This combination of systems creates a network wide incentive to do at least the bare minimum needed to earn a moderate sized Infinity Fund Check. And because of this synergy, everyone doing the bare minimum to earn just a moderate check, necessarily and automatically creates larger business volume, larger infinity fund checks AND larger Group Bonus Checks.
FOR EXAMPLE-- Let's assume that everyone who joined the Network, had very minimal goals and only wanted to earn $50 to $100 per month. So they all figured they would do just enough to qualify for the Entry and Basic Infinity Fund Levels.
This would mean
that every site you gave away would have the incentive to give away, at least
5 sites, who would give away 5, etc, with each making sure that they
generated enough to earn Quick Start and Eagle Bonuses (about 12 points or
$20 in business volume) If this happens in your organization through just 6 levels deep–You
will earn over $15,000 per month in Group Bonuses!
And remember, your group bonuses pay you through a full 10 Levels
"The System"
for full details of the workings of your Group Bonuses.
The Infinity Funds and Group Bonus Override Income Systems work synergistically to create an overall incentive system that is unequalled.
By making it easy for anyone to earn a moderate check. We've made it simple for anyone to earn a huge check!
For a Quick synopsis of Products, Services, Commissions and Sample Ads please see Your Personal Marketing Site.
http://www.allsolutionsnetwork.com/cgi-bin/d.cgi/CC1231/Marketing_Basics.htm replace CC1231 with YOUR personal ASN ID
Make sure you get credit.
We've made sure that you get credit for all the business generated from your website by a combination of computer automation and promotions that key your ID to every page of your site i.e when someone buys from your affiliates such as walmart, kmart, amazon, etc... they are receive an exciting promotional bonus, namely, a Vacation Certificate or Gas Voucher that they get for FREE, but only if they provide us confirmation of the purchase, or even free service, with the PROMO Code that is on that particular page.
The Promo Code that is automatically generated by our software...
So when someone visits your site, you know that you will get credit for any sale or purchase.
But we also want to make sure that you get credit for points, commission and CBV (commissionable business volume) on your own personal purchases. Here's what you do.
How Do You Make Certain to Get Credit for Affiliate Purchases?
On any purchase, inquiry, or application that you make from any corporate affiliate, to be certain that you get credit for it, you MUST...
Forward the EMAIL confirmation of the affiliate activity to bruce3102@gmail.com, i.e. receipt, or confirmation of completed application, etc...
Please the email address that you signed up with.
In the Subject Line Put the following Precise Information…
a. The Letters ASN
b. Your full ASN Id #i.e AA2243 a space,
c. the affiliate company, i.e. walmart, freecreditreport.com, etc...
d. then the number of points that your activity generated.
Your subject line should look something like this:
ASN AA35462 Walmart 3 points
To be assured that you get Credit for your activities, It is imperative that the above procedure be followed. Our system is programmed to sort by ASN Id number. Failure to follow this protocol could result in delay or NON-RECEIPT of your bonus.
Infinity Fund Bonuses
The Infinity Funds, unlike Commissions and Group Bonuses which are based on immediate income earned from Sales and Purchases made from Your Website and that of your downline organization's websites-- Infinity Funds are based on a simple point system which is related to the amount of money our affiliate products and services pay to our Infinity Funds. You earn points from
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Your Personal Activities i.e. Personal purchases (that you would have made anyway-- just buy it from your site i.e Wal-mart, Kbtoys, Amazon, etc..), |
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Taking advantages of Free Quotes on the many important services that we all need (like the member above, you could save hundreds), |
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Plus the Purchases and Sales made from your Website Sales... Even the Free Services that it provides generates points and income. |
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PLUS, all Sales, Purchase and Quote activity from every website in your organization. All of these sales, purchases, and even requests for free services, put money into the Infinity Fund Pools which increase each Member's Share... |
Infinity Fund Pools Grow Dramatically Because We Also...
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Integrate other separate and unique No Risk Businesses into our system. When any member joins any of these businesses and then works it and progresses from it, not only does he/she make money as an individual distributor of business, but 50% to 60% of all income the solutions network derives as that person's sponsor, is placed into the Infinity Pools for payment to all qualifying members. |
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Plus, Every Purchase Every Sale, Every Free Quote or Service generated by any member or any site in the entire Solutions Network pays money into the Infinity Pools, thus increasing the share of every member who qualifies. And if you haven't qualified for this month's checks, you can do so right now, in 3 minutes... and it won't cost you a dime! |
The structure of the Infinity Bonus System is so simple and effective that even if you've made NO Sales, NO Purchase, created NO Organization, had NO business volume... even if you joined on the Last day of the month, by taking advantage of any... or a combination of these or thousands of other products, services and free offers you earn a check!
This system lets you make money from the business volume generated by every purchase and every sale made by every member and every website in the entire network! It's pretty simple, the more points you accumulate, the money you make. What could be easier?
And Remember-- this income is in addition to Commissions and Group Override that we'll discuss in other sections!