
Cancer Cures the FDA Won’t Let You Have- Cachexia HZ

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Cachexia HZ- It’s all about the money.
Although, multiple studies have show the benefits of HZ, thanks to the FDA, getting it is almost impossible!
We have to share this information and put pressure on the FDA to stop killling us!
Since it’s discovery, dozens of studies have been done on HZ. In fact, In a quick search, I came up with over 20!  And these are studies from some of the top cancer research facilities in the world, including Petrov Research Institute of Oncology in St. Petersburg, Russia and Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles.

Each was published in prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals. And ALL showed that not only is HZ completely safe…but it may very well be the only treatment on earth that gives terminal cancer patients a second chance at life.

Time and time again, the most respected cancer researchers around the world found that HZ brings cachexia to a screeching halt. The researchers were stunned when their controlled clinical trials showed nearly…

  • 6 out of every 10 previously unresponsive patients — ones diagnosed as “factually terminal” — suddenly STOPPED showing signs of cachexia!

In other words, patients who’d been on the brink of death got their appetites back…regained the muscle and fat they’d been starved of…and started LIVING again.
Studies show that HZ:

  • Takes control of cancer and keeps it from spreading
  • Halts — even reverses — tumor growth. In fact, it…
  • Shrinks tumors up to HALF their original size

And it doesn’t subject you to any of the toxic side effects caused by chemo and radiation.

GREAT!… But you can’t have it.

But it doesn’t matter.  The most powerful cancer agency in the world has spent the last 30 years frantically trying to keep a lid on this breakthrough therapy. and it’s not the first time it’s happened!

When it comes to natural cancer breakthroughs, the mainstream (including some of the most prominent health organizations all over the world) has a habit of botching studies, skewing results, and hiding the TRUTH about Nature’s cancer-curing potential from the people who need it most.

It’s almost unbelieveable, but facts are facts…like the ones that emerged from a 2006 survey sent by the Union of Concerned Scientists to nearly 6,000 FDA scientists. Those scientists that responded to the survey (about 1,000 of them) made some pretty shocking admissions…

  • Almost 20 percent admitted that they had been “asked explicitly by FDA decision makers to provide incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information to the public, regulated industry, media, or elected/senior government officials.”
  • Less than 50 percent agreed that the FDA “routinely provides complete and accurate information to the public.”
  • 47 percent admitted of being aware of instances “where commercial interests have inappropriately induced or attempted to induce the reversal, withdrawal or modification of FDA determinations or actions.”

That last admission gets right to the heart of the matter…It all boils down to one of the deadly sinsGREED.

The FDA will sell you out and pocket the change!

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4 thoughts on “Cancer Cures the FDA Won’t Let You Have- Cachexia HZ

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    wages war on an already depleted body. We are finding this is too harsh & damaging. No drugs

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