
New Drug Kills EVERY Kind of Tumor!

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Stanford University scientists have discovered a single drug that has killed or shrunk every kind of cancer tumor it has been used against — a new anti-cancer weapon that some have described as a kind of medical Holy Grail.  For full article Click Here! Other posts you may find interesting: The Power of the Spoon!– […]

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Is the FDA Protecting Tobacco Interests?

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The FDA is unbelievable.  Another life saving innovation they attempted to ban. Ecigs, literally saved the life of my wife and the FDA tried to ban them.  The details of my wife’s story can be seen here. Keep Smoking Stop Dying This attempted ban was not because of any actual “health issue” but rather they tried to define them as “drug […]

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Cancer Cures the FDA Says You Can’t Have- B-17 Laetrile

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B-17 Laetrile- What is it? B17 is found in all fruit seeds such as apple, peach, plum, cherry, orange, nectarine and apricot. It is found in some beans and many grasses such as wheat grass. The hard wooden pit in the middle of a peach is not supposed to be thrown away. In fact, the […]

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Cancer Cures the FDA Won’t Let You Have- Cachexia HZ

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Cachexia HZ- It’s all about the money. Although, multiple studies have show the benefits of HZ, thanks to the FDA, getting it is almost impossible! We have to share this information and put pressure on the FDA to stop killling us! Since it’s discovery, dozens of studies have been done on HZ. In fact, In a quick search, […]

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Are Drug Companies and the FDA KILLING Us?

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Is someone you know or love, dying… because the FDA won’t let them have the CURE???   Are they not allowing them to even try because the multi year randomized double blind test aren’t yet complete? The answer is probably yes! The FDA and Big Pharma are Killing Us! It’s happening!  See from Forbes Magazine… “Approve a […]

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