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  • Bruce Castro posted an update in the group Group logo of Politics in AmericaPolitics in America 12 years, 7 months ago

    Or… does that economic philosophy bring into play the law of unintended and even unseen consequences? In creating a job for Bill (that we all see and applaud), does it unintentionally and unseen, destroy the job of Angela and Tom?

    Is government really the engine of economic growth or is its most beneficial function to get out of the way and let the entrepreneurial drive of individuals create new businesses and more jobs?

    What is the role of government? Is it to guarantee equal opportunity for all? Or is it to guarantee that we all have equal results? Is it to guarantee cradle to grave security? But, doesn’t that ultimately, diminish the dignity of the individual, sap their sense of personal responsibility by creating a deep personal dependency on government assistance? (And who is really paying for that?) Isn’t that what’s happening in Europe right now? Spain, Greece? The governments can’t sustain their entitlement spending and much of the populace has lost their independence. Are we headed there? Is that really where we want to go? Do we want a system in which we are all either dependent on the government or those of us who decide to work are all trapped in equal economic mediocrity? Equality of result rather than equality of opportunity?

    Source: http://allsolutionsnetwork.org (http://s.tt/1fKXp)

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