Bruce Castro commented on the post, A Serious and Honest Question… If God Exists, Would You Want to Know? 12 years ago
I also don’t “need” the science… but I once did. As I grew up, science destroyed my faith. And it wasn’t just me. Too many of our brethren are having their faith in God and Christ destroyed by a slanted […]
Bruce Castro commented on the post, What is Success? 12 years ago
Simply put, success is the achievement of any worthwhile goal and the living of a fulfilled life. What constitutes a fulfilled life is different for different people. For some, it is the power that comes from a […]
Bruce Castro replied to the forum topic Payday? in the group All Solutions Network- questions and assistance 12 years, 3 months ago
Ryan and I actually chatted re his question. I felt the best way to answer this completely for all members would be to provide the actual chat session. Here it is…
Ryan Bell
9:12 AM
Hi BruceBruce […]
Bruce Castro wrote a new post, OMG!!! Comedy or Tragedy? You tell me! AMAZING! 12 years, 3 months ago
Incredible video of Running With the Bulls! http://wp.me/p2EGlL-9r
Bruce Castro commented on the post, I See the Future… and it looks like Greece. 12 years, 4 months ago
I’ve never seen so much wisdom in so few words
Bruce Castro wrote a new post, I See the Future… and it looks like Greece. 12 years, 4 months ago
If government doesn’t get spending under control, this country will fail. The country we hand over to our children and grandchildren will be but a shadow of what our parents gave […] -
Bruce Castro wrote a new post, Lies and Half Truths- The engine doesn't run 12 years, 4 months ago
Obama, the Car Salesman?
Have you ever bought a car?… and actually liked the salesman? Maybe even almost fell in love with him? He was kind, funny, sincere, mesmerizing; you just knew; you could tell he was […] -
Bruce Castro wrote a new post, Obama's Lies, Half Truth's, Broken Promises and Failed Policies 12 years, 4 months ago
Republicans want to kill Medicare and that he would never turn Medicare into a voucher system.
Less than 24 hours after making that statement it was announced that a pilot program would be […] -
Bruce Castro wrote a new post, HOW Obama AND POLITICIANS SPUN FACTS 12 years, 4 months ago
The below article was originally written in 2012.
I’m updating it now in November of 2018 because with the advent of Trump’s economic success, combined with Obama telling the world that this economic boom is the […] -
Bruce Castro wrote a new post, Women of the FBI 12 years, 4 months ago
Job at the FBI
The FBI had an opening for an assassin.
After all the background checks, interviews and testing were done,
there were 3 finalists;
Two men and a woman…!–more–
For the final test, the FBI […] -
Bruce Castro commented on the post, Are Science and Religion at Odds? How Science Created a Christian. 12 years, 4 months ago
If if I had to guess, I’d say you weren’t terribly religious 🙂
Your writing included much impressive pose, but quite frankly, it seems to have boiled down to:
Religion is anti science, anti intellectual, anti […] -
Bruce Castro wrote a new post, THE COMPANY WE KEEP Friends and Appointments of Obama 12 years, 5 months ago
Do Obama’s friends and appointments matter?
Do the people with whom we associate, say something about us? If all my friends are doctors or physicists, aren’t I probably a bit different than the individual whose […]-
It has been asserted in other comments that
* The lack of action by our congress created the necessity for the president to “step up”.* That the “will of the people sent a message”
(It WOULD be the will of the people, if they actually got what they THOUGHT, they were voting for) However, in light of “keep your doctor”, “keep your plan”, “Benghazi was caused by a video”, the IRS scandal, NSA, Fast and Furious, etc… I could go on and on… Were the people really sending the message that we want a president that would lie or at least, put up a constant impenetrable wall of smoke and obstruction… all for the sake of retaining power? Or were the people just duped? I think the latter.
* That the president is a “patriot” for doing what must be done.Do we have any chess players here? Three card monte? Ever watched a shell game? Whether most realize or acknowledge it, we are watching a combination of all three, right now. Some see it; unfortunately, most don’t. What’s happening is little more than a well played, but dirty game of misdirection….
IT’S A NEVER ENDING SHELL GAME PLAYED BY THE LIBERAL POLITICIANS… Concentrate on the ball we show you… Don’t worry about the other stuff.
Like a loveable 2 year old. No matter what happens, they persuasively proclaim “I didn’t do it, It’s not my fault”. It’s all the fault of the “Do Nothing” republican congress. BS!
The fact is that bill after bill is passed by congress. Well over 200 during the Obama administration.
Then as provided by our system of government, it’s sent to our liberal dominated senate for a vote and if passed it goes to the president for signing or veto.
They, NOT ONLY DO NOT PASS ANY OF THEM… THEY REFUSE TO BRING ANYTHING, OF NOTE, TO A VOTE. That’s true, even if the house passed it with bi-partisan support… and especially if they know it would pass.It doesn’t matter if it’s good for the country. In today’s political reality, passing legislation is politically bad for the Dems.
If it passes and is signed by the president, the Republicans get some of the credit.
If it then actually does good for the country, people realize there is merit to conservative ideas.
If it DOESN’T pass the senate, but was an issue that had the support of a substantial percentage of the people, it poses problems for the democrat senators who voted against it.
If it DOES PASS the senate and president vetoes a bill that has substantial support of the citizens, that is politically dangerous.
However, to successfully pull off this political monte, it requires an apathetic uninformed electorate (they have that), a substantially liberal media that unflinchingly supports a liberal agenda (we have that), and a massive party wide failure of candor i.e. lies (we have that)… but apparently, lying to the publick is a small price to pay to keep power. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE POWER!By making certain nothing passes, democrats can continue to tell the country that republicans are “the party of no”. Surprise, if it’s a bad policy that’s bad for the economy and bad for the future… the vote SHOULD be no! But the problem has nothing to do with voting “no”… it’s the lack of the opportunity to vote… AND THAT IS 100% CONTROLLED BY THE DEMOCRATS WHO CURRENTLY CONTROL THE SENATE.
Realize, the leader of the senate (Harry Reid), has sole discretion as to what is brought to the floor for a vote. HE CONTROLS THE AGENDA.
As long as nothing is PASSED that originates in congress; or more to the point, EVEN VOTED ON, the democrats can repeat the mantra that the conservative congress is the party of “NO”. The fact is that most of the bills passed in congress had bi-partisan support and would definitely pass in the senate… if there was a vote. However, by not allowing them to even be brought to the floor, the democrats can continue to propound to the public the preposterous idea that all problems are the result of an impotent, actionless bunch of uncaring republicans. Democrats blame congress for being a “do nothing congress”… Then, the mainstream liberal media parrots this absurd narrative… the Republicans continue to do their jobs, pass more needed legislation, with bi-partisan support that is again blocked via the “no vote” senate.This repeated failure of enacted legislation (due to actions of the senate leader), is used to support the idea that the president MUST “step up”, and for the good of the country, act through the use of executive orders, the likes and depths of which are unique to our history. Of course he must… he has an intractable “do nothing” congress! It is sickening.
NOTE: there are legitimate reasons for executive orders… the desire to bypass the constitution is not among them.The reality is that the congress IS doing it’s job. The senate and president, blocks, refuses to vote, blames and uses the lack of passed legislation (they largely caused), as the pretense to justify even more unilateral control, more executive orders and more power to the president. This has effectively destroyed the balance of powers between the branches of government and ceded it unto one man… IN MOST PLACES, THAT’S CALLED A “DE FACTO” DICTATORSHIP.
Our country’s freedoms haven’t yet been completely destroyed, but regardless of how many people are aware of what is really happening… it is happening, inch by inch.
As with 3 card monte, a good shell game or a well played game of chess… most people just don’t get it.
Those that DO “get it”, better start trying to educate, those “that don’t.”, or soon, we will wake up and no longer be the land of the free.I stand by my statements.
Bruce Castro commented on the post, Have They No Shame? Lies, Lies and More Lies! 12 years, 5 months ago
For me, it’s simple. I can understand and accept any honest difference of opinion. It happens all the time and is normal. Different people have varying principles, one thinks the environment is the overarching […]
Bruce Castro wrote a new post, Have They No Shame? Lies, Lies and More Lies! 12 years, 5 months ago
Have they no shame? Lies, Lies and more Lies!
Right off, I want to make it clear, my allegiance is not to republicans or democrats… My allegiance is to truth and the future of this country. We are facing […] -
Bruce Castro wrote a new post, Is Government the Answer? 12 years, 5 months ago
Is Government the Answer?
For many things yes, government is the answer. It provides for the common good, protects us from our enemies, even from our fellow citizens. Helps provide order; prevent chaos, a s […] -
Bruce Castro wrote a new post, The Truth About Religion 12 years, 5 months ago
The truth is that the existence or non existence of God can’t be proven either way. No one can prove that God exists and no one can prove that God does not exist. All anyone can […] -
Bruce Castro wrote a new post, Want More From Life? Stop Thinking About it… Start Doing It! 12 years, 5 months ago
Want Success? A Better Life?
Don’t THINK about it… Don’t TALK about it… DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
A better, happier, more fulfilling life is within your grasp… But getting there means getting off the […] -
Bruce Castro wrote a new post, Success… Is It Worth It? 12 years, 5 months ago
I was recently asked to name just one thing that made success worth it from my perspective in the last 30 days of my life. It was a thought provoking question… so here are my thoughts 😉
Success is always […]
Bruce Castro wrote a new post, Are Science and Religion at Odds? How Science Created a Christian. 12 years, 5 months ago
The world is being indoctrinated against religion.
Universally agreed upon facts are being ignored and hidden within our educational system. Even if a fact is indisputable, if it has theological implication it […] -
Bruce Castro wrote a new post, Cancer Cures the FDA Won't Let You Have- Cachexia HZ 12 years, 5 months ago
Cachexia HZ- It’s all about the money.
Although, multiple studies have show the benefits of HZ, thanks to the FDA, getting it is almost impossible!
We have to share this information and put pressure on the FDA […]-
it is terrible there medicine is killing us we dont even have safe water to drink but they dont want us to do natural they will loose money look at a great site here safe water coffee and tea and a great water system machine its http://chana70.newlifesciencesforme.com my number is 17405811698 ohio
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