
Are We on the Way to a Dictatorship?

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It is a Fact. (see below), We now have a series of executive orders that would allow Obama… (or any future president), to take away our most cherished constitutional freedoms and turn this great society into a dictatorship… all at the stoke of a pen.  Obama didn’t sign them all.  But when combined with his proven willingness to side step the US constitution and rule of law, it becomes a terrifying prospect for anyone who cherishes the freedoms that this country once guaranteed.  

The signed executive orders and numbers are below. You don’t have to believe me. But, if you don’t, please look them up for yourself. Each of us… republicans, democrats, independents, etc… need to open our eyes to the fact that the freedoms we all hold so dear, are now but a pen stroke away, from oblivion.
We are at a crossroads!  The only thing that can save this country from coming ruin is by informing the uninformed.  Please share and tell others to share this vital information.

Much of the below article was originally written on July 17, 2012.  So far, every concern as to the direction that this president wanted and would take this country, has come to pass… and that is not a good thing.  But as I discovered while researching to update this article, things are even worse than before… much worse.  Unfortunately, it’s no longer about him… the real problem is no longer just the current president.  It’s the socialistic ideology that now permeates democratic political leaders across the board.  The results for this country if they retain power will be catastrophic.  
           WE’RE ON THE WAY TO A DICTATORSHIP!  and that’s not an exaggeration!  see constitution and rule of law below.It’s bad enough that the policies of this bigger out of control government, that has been preparing to take more control of individual liberties and choices, attempting to enforce income equality through income redistribution (a policy that simple creates equal mediocrity, rather than uneven excellence)…  It’s bad enough they are trying to change the economic fundamentals of our country.  What makes it worse is that the policies do not even work!

If they, at least, accomplished the supposed objectives, I might still disagree, but I would, at least, understand.  But according to every measurable indicator, they don’t work.   The wealth gap has increased under the policies of Obama and the democrats.   The economy has remained stagnate (and NO we are not recovering from the “worst economic disaster” in our history).  Unemployment is not improving (don’t let them fool you, see  Unemployment Drops it’s now even worse than when the aforementioned unemployment article was written).  They constantly hide their true agenda behind inspiring speeches and slogans, with empty promises of ” Re-elect me and I’ll give you more stuff”.  However, the actions bear little resemblance to their words… all that really seems to matter is power and control.  

Understand, I don’t believe this indictment applies to democratic voters.   For the most part, I believe most liberal voters are simply voting for what they perceive is their personal interest.  That’s fine… That’s what elections are for and how it works.  But what if they are being lied to?   What if instead of economic prosperity, more and higher paying jobs, the promised policies actually produce fewer jobs, less wealth, more dependency and a less efficient but more powerful government?  What if the votes that keep the dems in power are being procured with lies… and the politicians’ knew it?    In the private sector it’s called fraud. and would subject the liars to prison.  However, since it’s politics,  it’s simply called campaigning.   Often the result is that the better and bigger the lie, the more the power.    This is exactly what’s happening but many simply can’t see it.  They hear their leaders, want to believe their leaders, and the liberal media minimizes or flat out ignores the facts that prove the liesThat’s politics, I hate it, but there’s little that be done about it.   

But  where we are now, is so far beyond politics.  Remember “I want to fundamentally transform the system?” The present number and nature of the executive orders that are now in place, really can fundamentally transform this country.
Many don’t see it or believe it because when they wake up they see the sun rise, the flowers bloom, the birds chirping in the trees… they assume all is right with the world.  It’s not.  

There is a pernicious cancer permeating and growing throughout our government, threatening the prosperity and freedom of every American.  But most of us don’t see it.  If a person, is not paying attention, it is easy to be taken in. If we can’t help more of our friends, neighbors, families, associates, contacts… become aware of this plight, , .  Our country will be ruined and the bright futures of our children, destroyed.  See Voting.  

Words lead to votes that lead to power.  see his statements below.  
However, the power he has assumed while in office, via past, existing and new executive orders is unlike anything any US president has ever before had at their disposal.

If you want to keep your doctor you can?  WRONG!
If you want to keep your insurance you can. WRONG!
The most transparent administration ever?  WRONG!
Not controlled by special interests?  WRONG!
You don’t think special interests had the fingers all over Obama Care?
Government and personal accountability?  WRONG!
The administration is plagued with scandal.  When they come to the light of day, he gives another speech, points the blame everywhere and tells us he will investigate, get the bottom of it and hold those responsible accountable… He then, via executive privilege and various legal maneuvering, delays and blocks access to anything that will shed light on the facts.  He knows that in time much of public will forget because the liberal media will stop covering it.
Remember, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS targeting conservative groups, NSA? Now Dinesh D’ Sousa is being indicted for “campaign violations” (He made a movie “2016”  see here.  If you vocally disagree with Obama, the weight of the government goes after you.  The list goes on and on and on… I could write a book on this subject alone!
We are for energy independence?  WRONG!
They are purposefully blocking new oil creation, stopped an oil line from Canada, and trying to destroy coal production, even clean shale.  They always sound as if they have a good reason i.e. environmental concerns.     But the reality is if we totally eliminated the US carbon foot print, it would do little good for the world environment unless the same was done all across the world, which it will not.  All that would accomplish is to destroy the wealth, economy and jobs within the US putting at risk futures of or children.
Benghazi was not terrorism but just an inciting video?  WRONG!
Obama and Hillary were informed within hours of the true nature of the attack, but still allowed representatives to go on 7 talk shows in about 2 days, telling the American people that it was caused by a video.  Was this an oversight?  Miscommunication?  Or might it have something to do with the fact that it didn’t fit with the administration’s narrative of the re-election campaign “Al Qaeda is on the run!”  The truth is that the TRUTH DOESN’T MATTER! 
The lies keep coming, the media keeps confirming them, too many of our citizens keep buying the barrage of self serving, power grabbing lies and our nation continues it’s downward spiral.  Unless more of the American people wake up to what is really happening, we will soon wake up as a distant shadow of what we once were.

Executive orders that are now in place.  These executive orders have the potential to destroy this country!
Presidents have the authority to use executive orders to accomplish certain objectives and all presidents have used them.  And for proper purpose, that’s fine.  However, bypassing the rule of law and limiting or destroying our constitutional protections are not among constitutionally valid reasons.  The executive orders that now exist are like an axe, hanging above our heads… and it can drop at any moment.    The executive orers that are now at his or any president’s fingertips  should be terrifying to any freedom loving American. In short, the sum total of these executive orders amount to the right to implement martial law, socialism, and destroy every constitutional freedom we have...  at the stroke of a pen!... It can be done at any time for virtually any reason!   You don’t have to believe me…  they are right here and you can look them up by number for yourself!

  • -EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
  • -EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.  (eliminates the ability of concerned citizens and news media to communicate honestly with one another or the public, unless specifically authorized by the government. (Note of author: So only the messages the government wants us to hear will get out.  That is the definition of an oppressive, dictatorship that wants to control the message.  China, USSR, N. Korea, etc… ) 
  • -EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
  • -EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.  
  • -EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision. 
  • -EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.  
  • -EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
  • -EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to RELOCATE communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.  (Authors Note:  A redo of one of our nations ugliest moments… the moving of Japanese into internment camps, the separation of families and loss of homes and property… The president actually retains this right TO REPEAT IT, EXCEPT TO ANY AND ALL CITIZENS!)
  • -EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.  So with one signature he can take over EVERYTHING, because of increased international tension?  This doesn’t even require threat?!
  • -EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency.
    • (Note from author: undefined means for any reason at any time! and it basically covers EVERYTHING, every aspect of the economy! It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.   
    • (Note from author: So, with a stroke of the pen,  he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants and that his actions cannot reviewed for six months???)  Understand…. this is the very definition of asserting “I have the right to declare, not just martial law, but a dictatorship, complete control!”
    • Do you really trust him… or any single individual with that kind of power???  I certainly don’t!

Understand… he did not sign all of these.  But he has retained their power and constantly adds to it.  We have a government with separate branches to prevent the accumulation of too much power in any one branch’s hands.  This prevents extreme ideas from either political side from taking hold and changing the fundamentals of our government and system without due thought and deliberation.   Obama has the right to usurp that power.  If one branch, one person takes on too much power, that’s not a president… it’s a DICTATOR. 

And we’ve already seen this, over and over… If Obama can’t get it through congress… he does it by abusing the power of executive orders and that’s not political partisanship… it is a simple fact that we are now living with..

 True, they haven’t been implemented, yet.  And they may never be… But in the entire  tumultuous history of our nation, no president has presided and so consistently added to “laws” that could so fundamentally, sweepingly, instantaneously, destroy the freedoms of EVERY CITIZEN OF THE US!   Why now?  Could it be in order to put into place the mechanism necessary to forcibly keep control in the event that an upcoming election destroys control?  I don’t know the answer… but I do know this… if implemented, these orders, do not have the effect of protecting us… THEY SIMPLY CONTROL US!     

One other very SCARY question.  Again, don’t take my word for it.  Ask your military friends, national guard, reserves, etc…
Why are many aspects of our military being trained in the confiscation of weapons from US citizens?   The military is only involved in big, wide spread operations.  Our country has never done this, anything approaching this extent before.  Consider, we have an obvious, anti 2nd amendment administration, who has proven time and again, he is’t terribly worried about the constraints of the US constitution.  When you combine current military training, with the executive orders that Obama has already signed and has within his power; orders that can destroy constitutional rights of US citizens, at the stroke of a pen… is it really that far of a stretch to think that the confiscation of citizen guns, the absolute abrogation of the 2nd amendment (along with other rights) is that far away?   I don’t know the answer.  I certainly hope not.  I do know that I am more than a little concerned for our country.

WE HAVE TO PUT A STOP TO THIS AND IT CAN ONLY BE DONE THROUGH AN EDUCATED ELECTORATE.  Although, as noted above, the executive orders already signed by our president have already given him the power to retain control if he so chooses.  The only real question is will he?   I only wish I could be certain of the answer. 

See Related Similar ArticlesWe are still experiencing the same problems and more so than when these articles were originally written.  Why?  Because, inspite of the beautiful inspirational speeches… the policies simply don’t work.  Bad policies creates Bad results.

Lies and Half Truths- The engine doesn’t run


Obama’s Lies, Half Truth’s, Broken Promises and Failed Policies



Economics- How Much Do You Owe Your Government?

Is Government the Answer?


Do Obama’s friends and appointments matter?  THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE FROM JULY 7 2012
Do the people with whom we associate, say something about us?  If all my friends are doctors or physicists, aren’t I probably a bit different from the person whose friends are all either, thieves or drug dealers?  Like it or not, Our associations, our choices, say something about us.   Failure to acknowledge this is to be in denial.  This truth applies to everyone, even our president. 
What follows are facts… what they mean, I’ll leave to others to judge…

For me, his past associations of our President were troubling but a bit understandable…

  • 20 years in the church of reverend Jeremiah Wright?
  • His long time friendship with felon Tony Resco?
  • Beginning his political career in the home of the terrorist, Bill Ayers?
  • Right hand man was soon to be felon Jon Corzine?

I can and did overlook all of this; it was his past… and I am about the future.  However, the string of appointments that followed his election i.e. putting people in positions of power whose philosophies were clearly opposed to fundamental US principles of free markets, freedom of speech, opportunity for success,  were troubling, to say the least.

What follows is not intended to be a hit piece.  However, it is a disturbing, but factual overview of many of President Obama’s political appointments that are now impacting every aspect of our society, from jobs and education to energy and defence.  As we’ll see, it’s no surprise that we’ve gotten the results we have, when we examine the ideas of those Obama has placed in charge.

It’s almost as if someone wants the most successful society and economy in history to fail. Do they??

We’ve now experienced almost 4 years of president Obama.  4 years of his policies and his results.  He inherited a difficult situation, to be sure.  It’s possible that the failure to fight out of our economic problems are the result of the severity of the issues that existed when he took office.  It is also possible that the policies that have been instituted by him and the people he has put in power, simply don’t work.  NoteWhen Ronald Reagan took office, the economy was worse than that inherited by Obama; higher inflation, higher unemployment, higher interest rates, etc…  By this time in his first term, the economy had completely turned around.  Reagan’s prescription was EXACTLY the opposite of that instituted by Obama and his people; lower taxes, lower spending, fewer regulations.

The US has always been a capitalistic, free market society.  The fundamental principles upon which we were founded created the freest, wealthiest society the world has ever seen.  That is a fact!  Reagan understood this and pursued policies that conformed with that reality.  Is it possible that our continuing problems are the result of our current leaders having opposite underlying philosophies that are taking us down a different road?  Could that have something to do with this never ending economic malaise?  The philosophies of our leaders, impact the decisions they make and the results we get.  Haven’t we been moving away from what history shows creates prosperity and towards what history shows, does not work?  i.e. the socialistic tendencies of France or Greece?  Isn’t it time to take a look at the core beliefs of this administration and decide if we really want them to stay in power?

DID I VOTE FOR OBAMA?  No, but I had HOPE and even some optimism.
I didn’t vote for Obama, but I didn’t dislike him.  He is obviously, intelligent, his rhetoric was beautiful, he was inspiring, but because I had a fundamental difference in political philosophy, he did not get my support.  When he was elected, I hoped for the best and supported him.  As far as I was concerned, he had a blank slate and in keeping with the campaign motto, I had hope.

I even felt that he started his administration right.  He made decisions that I thought were wise, he kept continuity of leadership for the military.  He didn’t immediately withdraw from Iraq, which I firmly believed would have been disastrous.  In spite of his campaign promises, he did not shut down Guantanamo.  Understand, I’m all for keeping campaign promises… but I’m even more in favor of doing the right thing for the country.  Decisions should always be amenable to change when new facts come into play.  Once you are actually president, you have more facts, with which, to make decisions and he did so.  That’s what you are supposed to do.  I applaud him for that.

In short, I was optimistic that the reality of the office, the new facts at hand, the full responsibility and weight of the office combined with a fuller understanding of how everything related and connected was nudging him to what I felt was a more appropriate direction of governance.  Don’t get me wrong, I never expected him to be Ronald Reagan, or Bill Clinton… but I, at least, hoped he’d be Jimmy Carter.

 Then, little by little we began to find he was operating by presidential fiat; rather than through legislation.  Instead of actions undertaken with the prevue of legislative oversight and balance of power limitations, he created an unprecedented network of Czars, unlike we have ever seen.  Czars that impact our energy, our speech, our communication, our education, our businesses, our jobs; every corner of our society and economy and they answer to no one other than the president!  This was one of the most egregious power grabs in our history.  These Czars are outside of our constitutional processes and effectively unaccountable to congress.  They are used to dictate, via executive power, the requirements and actions of our country’s businesses and people…

There now continues a disturbing “tweaking” in almost every aspect of our economy and society.   We are seeing small, almost unnoticeable nudges that have long-term cumulative effects that can eventually fundamentally change and undermine the nature of our country and society.

This president put our future security at risk by positioning the axe of criminal prosecution squarely over the heads of, what I believe, are heroes.  He allowed the consideration of criminal proceedings against the very US agents that were instrumental in preventing the death of untold Americans.   What was their crime?  They implemented legal enhanced interrogation techniques to protect us.  They used water boarding to gather information and to protect and save American lives from future vicious terrorists’ attacks.  In total, it was used on only 3 terrorists.  It is acknowledged that it prevented attacks, it saved lives, and these heroes were now under threat of prosecution?

Obviously, we wouldn’t allow and would prosecute anyone that followed murderous, unlawful orders.  But that is not what this was.   Our agents were not acting like the guards at Auschwitz starving and murdering entire families.  I personally even question whether water boarding can logically even be deemed torture.  Is it uncomfortable?  Yes. Scary?  Yes.  But torture?  I don’t think so.   Realize, our military personnel are routinely subjected to water boarding as part of their training to learn to deal with the actual torture techniques that they might be subjected to by our enemies.  Even scores of American journalists have volunteered to undergo it so they could get a clear understanding of what water boarding is… and is not.  These military personnel and journalists are not walking around maimed or emotionally debilitated from the experience.  It’s not fun… but it’s not torture.

But the real point…  How many Americans would have died, if our agents refused to implement this controversial technique for fear of prosecution?  How may will die in the future because someday an agent may fear to follow a lawful command?  Whose child is going to die because of this?

I can tell you right now, that if I knew it were my son’s life in the cross hairs of a terrorist attack, I would thank God for these agents for doing what they do… If necessary, I’d do it myself.  More than likely, in order to save your child or your wife, you would too.  So how can we even think about condemning them for their commitment to saving all of us?  Our president allowed this.

To threaten criminal prosecution of the men that are doing what needs to be done to protect our families is incomprehensible and unconscionable.  This has huge future ramifications for our future security.  What’s worse?  This is no accident.  Just because they do stupid things does not mean they are stupid people.  They aren’t. They know exactly what they are doing and they know the consequences.

This is a travesty and it is the direct result of the company our president keeps and the philosophies of the people he appoints.  So, who are these people??

We all know that our associations say, at least, something about who we are.  It’s not conclusive, but it matters.  Anyone who believes otherwise is in denial.

As discussed above, I was willing and did give him a pass regarding his troubling past associations.  A new day, a new start, even though…
We knew that Obama had spent 20 years in the church of reverend Jeremiah Wright.  I thought it was unlikely that he was truthful when Obama said he never heard Wright say any of those incredibly hateful, disturbing things that we’ve all now heard a million times.  But I withheld judgment, I gave him a pass.

We knew of his relationship with Tony Resco.  President Obama’s house was financed by this long time friend and ultimately jailed felon.  If you care to do so, you can look up the details of this “fishy” transaction.

We knew he started his political career at the home of felon Bill Ayers, the leader and co-founder of the criminal “weather underground” a domestic terrorist organization.  Ayers, was a terrorist who blew up bombs targeted at the Pentagon, Police stations and other public buildings.  Bill Ayers, amazingly is now a “respected” college professor.

Obama’s right hand man, was felon Jon Corzine of MF Global.  While under his control, MF Global, mysteriously lost $2 Billion in investors money.  Incredibly, no one is currently complaining.  I guess it’s good to be the friend of the King?

But most of this was before he was elected.   It was his formative years.  He was in a situation and place, in which, getting into politics may have required questionable associations, it was Chicago, after all.  I, again, gave him a pass, gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Now, the rubber hit the road.  It was time to start building the administration.  It was time to surround himself with the political advisors to institute the policies to fix the country; time to unite, to bring the parties together, to show that he really is the president of all, not just the unions and liberals.  Time to bring the hope and change that he promised.

What Did We Get?
The most purposefully divisive, deceitful, least transparent, anti business, biased administration in memory.   I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised.  Like so many others,  I had traded my skepticism and critical thinking, for HOPE.  What else could we have realistically expected?

We knew he had been a follower of Saul Alinsky author of “rules for radicals” a radical left wing instruction book that focused on teaching community organizing and the creation of chaos.  In short the philosophy is…

Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It  and Polarize It.’  
 – Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.
That’s what Barack Obama taught his ACORN followers in all his Community Agitator classes in Chicago. That slogan defines mob scapegoating.  It is a game plan for whipping up mobs — by race, by gender, by ethnicity, by religion.  Now, it’s being used in his campaign.  Class warfare, the rich vs everyone else, women vs conservatives,  the 1%, etc… His administration has become about pure unadulterated division and class warfare.  It’s not about the country… it is now all about the creation and perpetuation of POWER.

 Almost immediately he populated his administration with left wing radicals.   He, surreptitiously, put people in positions of power who had views that would even make many of the most extreme liberals cringe.  And this is no accident.  The Obama team investigated thoroughly and they chose precisely. If an administration repeatedly nominates hard-left individuals, that is hardly a vetting error—it’s a purposeful pattern of decisions. Team Obama is simply nominating those who share their goal of radically changing America.


What follows are facts, not opinions.  These are their views and they have every right to hold them.  However, these are not the view that should be held, by someone whose job, whose oath is to uphold the constitution the laws of the united states.

Attorney General – Eric Holderthis is the man who was responsible for the proposed prosecution of the agents that were protecting us.  Like most of Obama’s appointees, Holder is a member of the American Constitution Society, a ACLU-type group dedicated to destroying much the Constitution in order to make it “relevant” to the modern world.  The fundamental theme is to eliminate the constitutional limitations on federal power.  i.e. let the feds do whatever they want (keeping the feds in check is outdated and irrelevant?).  And as with many Obama’s appointees, he is obsessed with race, even to the point of refusing to pursue the prosecution of two Black Panther thugs who intimidated white voters at a polling place.  If whites had harassed blacks at a polling place in this manner, they would be sitting in a jail within days.

He is currently challenging the rights of states to enact citizen verification procedures previously approved by two federal courts. In other words, Holder wants to make it easier for illegal aliens to vote, which also happens to be ACORN’s goal, the organization, to which, Obama had such close ties. This comes as no surprise; Holder has been undermining the rule of law for most of his career. While serving as the #2 official in Clinton’s Justice Department, Holder was the driving force behind the effort to pardon members of the notorious Puerto Rican terrorist group, FALN, a group that engaged in over 130 attacks in the USA, killing six people. By refusing to carry out justice against the Black Panthers and the Hispanic FALN terrorists, he was clearly pandering to these two racial groups for political reasons.

Science Czar – John HoldrenHoldren supports “laws requiring compulsory abortion,” government confiscation of new born babies, the “development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin,” and, “adding a sterilizing drug to drinking water or stable foods….” as long a livestock would not be affected. Holdren wants the government to dictate family size and advocates a “planetary regime,” run by the United Nations. 

Federal Communications Commission – Mark LloydLloyd’s view of the 1st Amendment is shocking:
“It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of  speech or the press. This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies. “[T]he purpose of free speech is warped to protect global corporations and block rules that would promote democratic governance.”
Lloyd worked for George Soros, the foreign billionaire who funds anti-America groups. He seems to be enamored with dictators and has even publicly praised Venezuelan Communist dictator Hugo Chavez’s “incredible…democratic revolution.”   For those who don’t remember Chavez, amongst other things, he clamped down on dissent and took control of the nation’s airwaves in order to prevent the decimation of opposing ideas.  He also wants to use the Fairness Doctrine to “balance” talk radio and believes there are too many white people in the media.  One of his solutions to “balance” the media is to fine conservative radio stations up to $250 million and give the proceeds to National Public Radio.  If he ever had his way, we would see censorship like America has never seen before.  Does anyone really think this appointment was an accident?

Deputy Attorney General – David Ogden- A favor for the porn industry?   This was almost incomprehensible.  He has devoted a substantial part of his career, case after case, for 20 years, in defense of pornography.  He actually argued that libraries should be free-speech zones in which school children should have the right to access anything they want – even pornography – on school computers.   I’m not a supporter of pornography, but I am in favor of freedom of speech.  Pornography may have its place, but schools certainly aren’t it.  
Given his background, this should come as no surprise.  When Ogden was an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, he argued on constitutional grounds to strike down the conviction of a defendant who received and possessed child pornography.  Ogden believes there is a constitutional right to possess child pornography.  This is supporting family values?  With Obama, the pattern is becoming clear… great words and speeches that mean nothing.

Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel – Dawn Johnson
 Johnson is the former legal director for the National Abortion Rights Action League, a group on the extreme left of the abortion debate. They oppose any restrictions on abortion for any reason, at any time of pregnancy—even late term abortions.  We know that abortion is controversial.  I’m  against it, but I understand that there are logical, cogent arguments to be made on both sides.  For the right to choose camp, it’s all about personal freedom.  For the right to life camp, it’s about saving the lives of the innocent.  But how can you appoint someone to the administration that has so little value for life that if a woman were to give birth at 8:00 am, it’s a beautiful baby, but if that same woman had come in at 7:00 for an abortion, it’s just a medical procedure with no loss of life… no need for a second thought.  The difference of an hour, changes a beautiful newborn, into a worthless mass of cells?  At this late stage, it is obvious, they are not aborting a fetus, they are killing a baby.  Anyone with half a brain knows it.  Is the assistant attorney general amoral or just stupid?… and what does this say about those who made this appointment?

Secretary, Department of Education – Arne Duncan
Obama appointed Duncan because of his success as CEO of Chicago’s public schools.   Despite spending $13-$14,000 per student, among the highest of any major city, the results were actually abysmal In 2007, only 10% of black 4thgraders in Chicago reached the proficiency level in reading and for black 8th graders, only 9% reached reading proficiency. In math, only 8% of black students reached proficiency in 4th grade and just 6% reached proficiency in 8th grade.  This is “success”?  Even worse, a majority of Chicago public school students drop out or fail to graduate with their class.   Let’s call it as it is, the Duncan era was a disaster.  However, he did distinguish himself in one important way.  He pursued an aggressive agenda to promote the homosexual lifestyle in the schools.  It didn’t matter that the Chicago kids couldn’t read or write.   Obama shored up one of his key demographics.  On a quick personal note:  I have nothing against homosexuality.  Some of my best friends and employees have been and are homosexual.  What I object to is promoting sexuality of any sort in schools… and then rewarding someone who does.  At least, Obama kept this promise… this certainly is change!

Assistant Deputy Secretary, Department of Education – Kevin Jennings
Jennings is the founder of the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a group dedicated to promoting the homosexual agenda to school children as young as five. They have been known to actually promote books that feature adult-child sex in a favorable way.  Whether, homosexual or heterosexual, such and activity is patently wrong and offensive.  Nevertheless, he was appointed and put in a position that allows him to promote his views, in his new role as head of the Department’s “Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools.”

Based on these last mentioned appointments i.e. “Jennings and Duncan”, it’s clear that this is not about the safety of our children or about the improvement of our schools.  It is about shoring up a voting group; it’s about keeping the homosexual community happy.   Jennings even made it to press due to revelations that he gave encouraging advice to a boy who had privately confessed to him that he was having sex with an older man. What was Jennings’s advice? “ Buy a condom”.

Making appointments that are obviously intended to solidify his reelection rather than to solve the issues is patently offensive.  This is more of that change we voted for?

United States Ambassador to United Nations – Susan Rice
Even though she served on the National Security Council under President Clinton, Rice appears to have paid little attention to world events over the past couple of decades.  She is unabashedly pro-UN and wants the United States to work with the United Nations in carrying out humanitarian and military actions.  I’m all for cooperation, I’m all for helping others,  I’m  also all for expecting positive outcomes.  The title of an operation does not define its results.  This is especially true when speaking of the UN.
The only thing that the UN, consistently does successfully, is to act against US interests and take US taxpayer money… YOUR MONEY!  This appointee seems to have been unaware that the UN has never been supportive of US interests.   Simply put, the UN has an unquestionable anti US bias.  The only interest they have in the US, is our money.
What is she and her boss thinking?
They don’t stop wars; they don’t sanction terrorist regimes, and their internal corruption is so pervasive they can’t even carry out effective humanitarian missions.  Giving the UN any credibility or assistance in any way is I believe nuts!

The UN is the organization that:

  • Is attempting to Appointed Omar Al-Bashir the murderous, genocidal warlord of Sudan to the Human rights council, as of 8-10-12, the appointment seems guaranteed  How crazy is this? The International Criminal Court has issued a warrant for Omar Al-Bashir — its first ever for a sitting head of state — for crimes against humanity he allegedly committed in Darfur. Yet, his regime is set to take its place on the panel, in the latest bizarre appointment to make a mockery of the UN’s human rights credibility, according to critics.  It’s like putting “Jack the Ripper in charge of a women’s shelter,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch.  This is the organization, with whom, we are supposed to “work closely?”  Insane!
  • Tapped Iran for a Global Arms Treaty? Ahmadinejad?
    The terrorist regime, whose stated goal is to wipe Israel off the map, who is supplying arms for Syria’s bloody crackdown on democracy-minded rebels, has been given a key seat at negotiations for a global arms treaty by the UN.  The stunning appointment by member states attending the UN Conference of the Arms Trade Treaty in New York came last week, and is just the latest example of the world body appointing rogue and repressive regimes to leadership roles.
    These types of nonsensical appointments take place with alarming frequency at the UN,
  • and include Syria’s appointment to a UNESCO human rights committee last fall.  Syria, the regime that has and is committing genocide upon it’s own citizens…
  •  and Saudi Arabia’s earlier appointment to the UN’s board of the women’s rights agency… – despite laws in the Arab kingdom that don’t even allow women to drive. Have they no shame? Or simply no brains?
  • Rather than hold the UN responsible for its repeated failings over the years, Rice blamed the US for being “unilateral” and for “stiff-arming our partners.”   How can we do anything other than go it alone on important issues if “our partners” always act adversely to our interests?  She even sits on the board of the UN Fund for UNICEF, an agency which has been repeatedly caught giving aid to terrorists, and during the Cold War, assisting communist insurgents.

More seriously, she is overly cautious in regards to fighting terrorism. The former Ambassador to Sudan implicated Rice as the person who bungled the opportunity to take out Osama bin Laden when Sudanese officials offered him to the USA on a silver platter during the Clinton years.  She rejected their offer. There’s a good chance 9/11 would have been avoided if Rice had accepted the Sudanese offer. Apparently, even though she worked for the NSC, she didn’t regard Al-Qaeda as a threat. No wonder we were hit on 9/11. And Obama chose her as our UN Ambassador?   In what universe is this appointment, in the interest of the US or of the people who elected him?

Counsel, State Department – Harold Koh
Obama has named Koh as the State Department’s legal advisorHe believes America should defer to the International Court of Justice to determine legal precedents.  Not only would this be simply unconstitutional, but in what universe does it make sense to abrogate our legal rights to an organization that believes Saudi Arabia (who doesn’t even want women to drive), should be on a board that is responsible for discussing and determining women’s human rights. He is also a member of the “trans-nationalism” school of legal thought that believes all distinctions between American Constitutional law and international law should vanish. He even believes Muslim law –Sharia law– should be applied to some disputes in US courts. Clearly, his views are in contradiction to the Constitution he swore to uphold, but no matter, he is now in charge of all legal issues for the U.S. State Department.
Obama is looking out for the interest of the US?

National Security Council – Samantha Power
She holds fundamentally anti-Israel views.  In spite of the fact that Israel is our top ally in the Middle East. She is of the opinion that until Israel allows Palestine to set up a separate state, all other problems in the Middle East will remain. This illogical position ignores the 1,300 year old war of conquest waged by Islam against the West, most of it occurring long before the modern day Israel/Palestine conflict.  It also ignores that fact the stated sworn goal of Israel’s neighbor states, is not, simply the establishment of a separate state, but rather the utter obliteration of the State of Israell.  She also holds to the conspiratorial view that everything America does in the Middle East – like the Iraq war – is due to Israeli influence.  Finally, she has consistently opposed the idea that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, a thoroughly discredited view in light of recent events.  She seems to see the world as she wishes it was, rather than what it obviously is.  While she opposed sending troops to Iraq – she called it an “occupation”—she favored sending US troops to Israel to forcibly impose a Palestinian state! Power’s writing grossly exaggerates “war crimes” committed by Israel and never condemns terrorist activity by the Palestinians.  So our president has chosen to make the advisor on some of the most critical issues facing this country,  an individual who is an enemy of our friends and a friend of our enemies.   Does this say anything about the mindset or judgement of our president?

Advisor, Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy – Rosa Brooks-
It’s all our fault!  What an insightful grasp of world issues  she has.  You tell me… would anyone characterize the following as a discerning grasp of what is and is not a threat to our national security?  This is the genius who wrote that Al-Qaeda was just an “obscure group” until America began the war on terrorism.  This belief ignores all the documentation that Al-Qaeda was making plans for rapid growth long before 9/11.   According to her, it is America’s fault that terrorist groups exist today.  As if it weren’t terrorists that destroyed the trade center.  Is she simply a liar who is promoting her anti US propaganda? Or is she just an idiot?  Unfortunately, she is not an idiot.  She called President Bush “our torturer in chief” and compared Bush’s anti-terrorist policies to Hitler’s policies.  Fair minded people can disagree with policies but no one can fail to understand that Bush was trying to save lives and the Hitler was trying to eradicate Jews.  She ignored the fact that Bush’s policies were responsible for stopping over 17 different terrorist plots against the United States. She also called the successful surge in Iraq a “feckless plan” and seems completely blind to the successes we had in the war on terrorism.
This is another sad but obvious case of “facts don’t matter”.   Rules for radicals… Attack and demonize; say anything and everything that will keep you in power.  Should we really be surprised?  As with many other Obama appointments, she used to work for a foundation funded by the foreign America-hater George Soros.  Now she has graduated into playing an important role in deciding foreign policy.  Only in America!  Does this say about Obama?  If so, what?

Senior Advisor and Assistant and Intergovernmental Affairs – Valerie Jarrett
Jarrett is involved with vetting all the extremists Obama has appointed and thus, is obviously an extremist as well. For example, she was aware that former Green Czar Van Jones (who withdrew) had a long history of involvement in Communist Party causes, but still said she was “delighted to be able to recruit him into the White House.” She knew who and what he was.  She married into a family with a pedigree of Communist Party involvement. Her father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, worked closely with Obama mentor and Communist Party leader Frank Marshall Davis in a number of Communist Party front groups during the Cold War years. Valerie married Vernon’s son in 1983 and later became chief of staff for Mayor Richard Daley, where she was a key player in perhaps America’s most corrupt big city political machine. All indications are that Obama goes forward with almost nothing without her counsel.

Political advisor – David Axelrod- He is not just a good campaign consultant. Axelrod has a long history of working for obscure socialist candidates and Obama was no different, politically, from his other clients.  In fact, for Axelrod, promoting socialist causes was almost a family tradition. His mother wrote for a New York City tabloid called PM Magazine, which often promoted the Communist Party agenda. I fact, the author IF Stone, who was later revealed to be work for the KGB, was PM’s DC correspondent. Much of the tabloid’s funding came from Marshall Field, a hard left millionaire who also funded Saul Alinsky’s training school.   Again, the Saul Alinsky “rules for radicals” connection.  Axelrod has spent his entire life promoting extremist candidates, but no one bothered to look into his background.  Today, he advises Obama on all things political.

Director of Energy and Climate Change – Carol Browner
Browner previously served as head of the EPA during the Clinton regime where she advocated environmental regulations that eventually destroyed entire industries.  So much for analyzing the consequences of policy decisions.   At a time when America is losing jobs in record numbers, she is obviously not who we need. Browner is another socialist and was picked by Socialist International to be one of 14 leaders of a group it created called the Commission for a Sustainable World Society. SI believes in massive wealth redistribution from the West to the Third World, choosing to ignore the evidence that Third World countries are poor substantially due to their socialist policies.
Moreover, SI constantly attacks the free market in general and the United States in particular.  The fact that Obama has chosen both Browner and Todd Stern (Climate Czar) does not bode well for the American economy.  As has become a recurrent theme, facts don’t matterIt is known that the climate models used by Browner and Stern to justify draconian new regulations – such as Cap and Trade – are based on inaccurate data.   This fact has not fazed the Obama administration one bit.  For Obama, environmentalism appears to be a tool for increasing government control, power and wealth distribution… little else.

General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Management & Budget  – Preeta Bansal
 Bansal is very close to Obama; she acts behind the scenes advising him regarding the selection of federal judges. She is on the far left side of the judicial spectrum and is a leader of the misnamed American Constitutional Society, a group that believes in a “living Constitution” and works to “debunk” the “original intent” concept. ACS’s view that the Constitution should constantly change undermines the purpose for having a constitution.   The ACS is obsessed with criminal rights, illegal alien rights, terrorist rights, and whatever else comes to their collective mind. ACS is America’s main networking group for far-left attorneys and is where Bansal is recruiting many of Obama’s judicial nominees.
Bansal is also a member of the “critical race theory (CRT)” school of legal thought that boils all legal concepts down to racist conspiracies and the belief that racism permeates all aspects of American society. Indeed, she even co-authored a paper claiming that republicanism is based upon racist consensus.  In other words, she believes the entire concept of representative democracy is based upon racist assumptions.  And conservatives are considered the racists???   This mind set is patently offensive.  But there it is, anyway.

Judge Richard Posner of the United States Court of Appeals called CRT supporters the “lunatic core” of “radical legal egalitarianism.” Bansal is a lunatic and her appointment ensures that Obama’s judicial appointments will be far more about “diversity” than they will be about competence.

Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Executive office of the President  — Cecilia Munoz
Munoz is a committed open borders advocate who recently served as the Vice President for the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), where she supervised all legislative activities.  La Raza is the nation’s foremost supporter of “rights” for illegal aliens and the granting of amnesty to the millions of illegals here in America.  In her opinion, it is irrelevant that illegal aliens are costing America billions of dollars; she believes they should enjoy the same rights as citizens.   Like much of Obama’s administration, she served on a George Soros funded group, the Open Society Institute.   We can see the impact that this mindset has within the Obama administration.  We see a constant quiet push for a massive transfer of benefits and welfare to illegal aliens in addition to legislation granting amnesty to all those here illegally.

I want to take a moment to clear up some of the smoke and lies of this campaign and administration.  Notice my name… Bruce “Castro”.  I was raised by a wonderful man who I called dad.  Technically he was my step father.  Much of the family I grew up with, didn’t even speak English.   I love them.  I have no desire for them or their friends to be kicked out of this country.   I am no advocate of heartlessly deporting millions of “illegals” or their families or friends.  Neither are the vast majority of conservatives.   What they are in favor of, is securing the borders… creating an orderly, legal way to enter and stay in the country (as every other country in the world does), then creating a pathway to citizenship.   What we have now, does not work and everyone knows it.   Math and common sense dictate that if we implement amnesty first and then close the borders, by the time they are actually closed, we will have been inundated by millions of additional immigrants before the economy has had the time to grow the capability to support them.  That means what?  Even more bloated welfare rolls and unemployment.  That may be a harsh reality, but it is a fact. If we could just magically snap our fingers and create enough jobs to support any population, we would not have the unemployment that now exists.  In spite of the lies of the left, the followers of alinsky’s rules for radicals, It’s not racism, it’s not heartlessness…  it’s reality.

The constant attempt to paint conservatives as heartless and selfish is contemptible… but not surprising.  As we see on a daily basis, truth means nothing to this administration.  All that matters is power.  For this administration and for liberal politicians, open borders has an obvious benefit.  Porous borders, combined with lax, almost nonexistent voting requirements and the non enforcement of what few voting requirements do exist, helps in the reelection and maintenance of liberal power.  Once again, we see that right, wrong, truth or lies… all are irrelevant.  Nothing matters other than policies that ensure the continuation of power.

Director, Domestic Policy Council – Melody Barnes
She was previously Vice President of the far-left Center for American Progress and also served as Chief Counsel for Senator Ted Kennedy on the Senate Judiciary Committee.  She advocates ZERO restrictions on abortion for any reason or at any time of pregnancy; late term, partial birth, etc… It doesn’t matter. .  Some naïve pro-life leaders supported Obama, believing he was pro-life because he supposedly wanted to find ways to reduce abortions.   For anyone paying attention, the addition of Barnes should have put that myth to rest. In a meeting with key pro-family leaders, Barnes made it clear that “It is not our goal to reduce the number of abortions.”

Irrespective of the stage of the pregnancy, the viability of the baby, she closes her eyes to even the possibility of the baby being a person.  She glorifies abortion as being a “concept of liberty that includes women as equal.”… “Reproductive rights are human rights.”…

It’s as if an 8 month old unborn child doesn’t even exist… for that matter 8 months, 29 days… still is not a child deserving of any protection.

She has been praised by The Nation magazine as a “dyed-in-the-wool progressive,” a euphemism for a socialist. She is also a former staff member for the American Constitutional Society, the far-left legal group mentioned elsewhere, that basically as its goal, the destruction of our fundamental constitutional principles.

President Obama was for Hope and Change.  He was to be the man to unite us; a president to all.  He swore to uphold the constitution of the United States and the principles it holds.  How is it that the vast majority of his appointments, the people who implement policy, create policy, enforce our laws, create regulations, our principles…  have histories and views that are so diametrically opposite of the fundamental principles that made this country great?  They have shown themselves to be anti capitalism, anti constitution, averse to our principles of free speech; some even believe that we should subjugate our country’s decision and legal principles to the dictates of the UN…  Do we really believe that these were accidents?  Over and over and over?

This is who and what Obama has surrounded himself with.  This is not just the company that he keeps.  These are the people he chose to put into power What does this say about our President?  I think it tells us who he is.   Personally, I have always been for Hope and Change… I still am… I hope we have a change of president…

I don’t know about you, but I have no desire to have my life controlled by the principles that govern Saudi Arabia, Iran or France.  But that is where I believe we are heading.  Did anyone really vote for this??

It has been said that “All that is required for evil to prevail is that good men do nothing”
Do I think that Obama is evil?   No.
However, I KNOW that if fully implemented,  his political philosophy will the destroy the US as we know it.
Please, join the battle… spread the knowledge.

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